October 2003
One of the industry’s better ideas
What separates printing from other manufacturing industries is people. In this industry having the greatest equipment or ideas still does not make up for having the right people. Most of the great companies in this industry were built on people. More so than ever before, our industry is going to need even better people. And, as print gets even more competition from other media we are going to need better trained and smarter people. The question is where and how do we get them.
Part of the answer began to emerge in 1971.
In this industry
having the greatest
equipment and
ideas does not
make up for having
the right people
The Canadian Printing Industry’s Scholarship Trust Fund was established for students in graphic arts collages or universities. The trust fund has given out more than $600,000 to more than 800 students since its inception. Students have to have a B+ average or better. Each student also has to be interviewed by a company owner and member of the CPIA to see if he or she has the right attitude toward and interest in the printing industry.
The benefit is that the owner has a tendency of taking a special interest in the student and checking every so often on how he or she is doing.
The scholarship trust fund has run into some problems in recent years There is less money available from industry suppliers and contributions are dwindling (life has gotten tough for those selling to the industry in the last two years).
There’s also less money being generated from the trust fund’s capital because of low interest rates. (Trust fund capital is currently about $750,000) With the rising cost of tuition, the trust fund has to grow its capital base just to keep up when it should really be expanding to help more students each year.
Mike Stevens
One industry idea that’s been suggested to bolster the fund is for each company in this industry to donate as little as $50 to $100 per year. At that rate, the trust fund’s capital would grow more than 50% in one year ($75 x 5,000 companies = $375,000). This could be one of the industry’s better ideas to secure our future. (For more information about the CPIA Scholarship Trust Fund, call 1-800-267-7280).
Something new in this issue
We welcome a special new columnist to Graphic Monthly. Mike Stevens who has given packed seminars at the last several Print Ontario and Print West shows is bringing hands-on, down-to-earth ideas to the pages of this magazine. One of the most successful quick printers in North America, Mike has taken his shop from a low of $15,000 in sales per month to over $250,000 per month. His company, Express Press in Fargo, North Dakota—about two hours’ drive from Winnipeg—makes total profits that companies three times its size dream about. All of Mike’s ideas have been field-tested in his own operation.
Alexander Donald is the publisher of Graphic Monthly Canada.
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