About Us

Launched in 1980, Graphic Monthly Canada is Canada’s printing industry authority distinguished by editorial excellence, outstanding design and excellent circulation. It is a reference tool for owners and managers delivering expert how-to advice, product and service information, and insightful analysis. The magazine makes a significant investment in editorial research, design and production.
Graphic Monthly Canada is a perfect-bound magazine published six times a year, with a circulation of more than 10,000 that reaches owners and senior managers of Canada’s graphic arts companies.

GraphicMonthly.ca is the companion web site for the print magazine, targeting three primary audiences: commercial printing, wide-format printing, and packaging printing.


The People

Publisher: Alexander (Sandy) Donald
The most knowledgeable printing publication publisher in Canada

Sandy Donald has been involved with the printing industry for more than 30 years—his entire working life. He has run both commercial printing and quick printing operations. He is the longest-serving publisher of any Canadian printing publication. Well known and respected among his colleagues, Sandy has served on several printing industry boards and committees, including the Ontario chapter of the National Association of Quick Printers, the Toronto Club of Printing House Craftsmen, and the Ontario chapter of the Canadian Printing Industries Association.


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