Packaging and Labelling
New Products 31 July 2018
Gallus Smartfire Entry Level Label Press
Entry level digital label press
Entry level digital label press
 The Gallus Smartfire label press  is introduced a starter model for digital narrow web label printing . The Memjet inkjet heads  that produces labels with a quality of 1600×1600 dpi with investment costs at a low level. The print heads use water-based inks,  these labels are eco-friendly .
The Smartfire uses an ordinary power outlet, needs no  exhaust equipment, is extremely compact, and emits no VOC's  . Only a few prepress skills are required to create professional CMYK 4-color inkjet labels. Just as easy are the replacements of the ink-containers and the exchange of the print head. The machine also delivers finished die cut labels, all in one pass and  on the reel. It has  finishing unit that laminats and cuts. This can be either done individually by the integrated cutting plotter or by  punching with the semi rotary die cutter at the end of the inline finishing unit.
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